My Daughter Earned Her Cat

by Kimberli Thompson
(Denver, Colorado)

My 10-year-old daughter was adamant that she wanted a cat. I wasn't sure if this was a passing desire, so I hesitated to say yes. Instead, I asked her to write down what she would do to care for that cat once it came it home - it would need to be fed, the litter box cleaned regularly, and played with.

To my surprise and delight, she wrote a "cat contract" in which she promised to care for, feed, and play with the cat regularly. And if she did not, we could dock her weekly allowance at $1 per offense.

When we realized she actually understood what having a pet would entail for her, and that she was willing to take on the job, we got her that cat.

It's been two years, and only a couple times has she forgotten to clean the litter box. I think it really helped that we had her look at more than just "having" a cat - and look instead to what being the owner and responsible for a cat really meant. It worked out really well for us!

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Oct 28, 2015
My Daughter Earned Her Cat
by: Oliver


Sep 08, 2015
by: Andy

Great post. I like this website information. This page is really interesting. Nice topic "My Daughter Earned Her Cat"
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Aug 28, 2015
Nice post
by: jhon

Your daughter really wants a cat as a pet, I have read the contract which you have mentioned, it shows she really loves cats. Tell us how she is having fun with the cat these days? is she taking care of as she told you?

Aug 27, 2015
Nice post
by: smith

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Jan 10, 2015
She Earned That Cat
by: Tara,

Thanks, Kimberli - great advice on how to make sure a child really understands the responsibility a pet entails!

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