How To Clean Crystal 

Glasses inside dishwasher.

How to clean crystal glasses safely. Few things are lovelier than crystal glasses by candlelight or the simple elegance of a flower-filled crystal vase.

Until party guests leave and the flowers begin to droop, that is. And you're left with the task of cleaning glasses with lipstick stains on the rims and a water ring around the vase. 

Here's how to clean crystal glasses to keep them looking their best party after party.

Clean Crystal in the Dishwasher

  • If your crystal glasses are dishwasher-safe, you can pop them in along with your non-crystal glassware into the dishwasher. Riedel's Web site ( says its lead crystal glasses are cleaned in professional dishwashers. Make sure the long-stemmed glasses fit securely in the rack; don't overcrowd or overload your dishwasher. 
  • To prevent etching, use less detergent, buy the lowest phosphate-content brand you can find, and stop prewashing dishes. Dishwashing detergent needs a bit of soil to work; otherwise, it will tend to foam up and attack surfaces such as glass and crystal, creating a cloudy appearance. 
  • Let glasses come to room temperature before starting the dishwasher. Extreme temperature changes - above 150 degrees Fahrenheit and below room temperature - can wreak havoc on the crystal. 
  • Let the dishwasher cool before you open it after the wash cycle is complete. And allow the crystal glasses inside to air-dry before you touch them - the heat softens that lovely gold or platinum trim and could cause smudging.
  • If your clean crystal glasses emerge from the dishwasher stuck together, don't try to pry them apart - they'll break. Instead, put cold water in one glass and about an inch of hot water in the other. Then gently separate the pair.

How to Clean Crystal That Has Clouded

  • Place white vinegar in the bowls of cloudy crystal; allow to sit for five minutes. It's the easiest and safest way to clean crystal of a cloudy film. If that doesn't work, squeeze a soft scrub with bleach-type cleaner into the bowl of the glass and rub. Let sit for several hours with cleanser inside. CLR, a commercial product formulated to remove calcium, lime and rust buildup, also works well.
  • To make old or cloudy crystal shine, mix baking powder (it's less abrasive than baking soda) with lemon juice or water into a paste. Rub over the crystal; rinse clean in warm water. 

If these remedies don't get rid of the fog on your glassware, give Wine Enthusiast Stem Shine Wine Glass Cleaning Liquid a go. It works great at reducing cloudiness and soap scum residue from crystal glasses.

How to Clean Crystal by Hand

Handwashing crystal glass.

If you haven't used your crystal glasses in a while, smell them before pouring in your elegant Cabernet.

Some more delicate crystal absorbs musty or woody odors from the cupboard. They will need cleaning before use.

Remove your hand jewelry, swing the faucet away from the sink to prevent damage, and place a soft rubber pad over the bottom of the sink. If you have a divided sink, have a rubber cover over the ridge between sinks.

Wash with warm water, using a mild hand-washing detergent (more is not better here - excessive soap can leave a cloudy residue). Add lemon peels to the rinse water for sparkle and shine.

Rinse thoroughly under warm water. Dry with paper towels or a lint-free cloth that hasn't been washed with fabric softener. (The softener leaves a light film that will pop the bubbles in your champagne - which isn't festive at all.)

Or give a professional glass polishing cloth, such as the Foxtrot Living Large Microfiber Polishing Cloths, a try for a brilliant, streak-free shine. 

Before polishing your glasses, steam them over a pan of boiling water for extra sparkle. Replace your drying towel if it becomes too damp - a wet linen towel will cling to the crystal and could cause it to break.

To eliminate fingerprints from your crystal, wear gloves when drying by hand. And of course, you wouldn't force the cloth into the bowl of your crystal glasses; the delicate bowl will shatter under pressure.

Finally, if you're a little lightheaded after a night of enjoying your wine glasses, you may be too clumsy to tackle this delicate chore before retiring for the evening.

Just give the glasses a quick rinse and leave an inch or so of water in the bowl of the glasses. There's always tomorrow.

Shop products and tools for cleaning foggy glassesShop Products & Tools for Cleaning Foggy Glasses

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