Burnt Ceramic Pan Nightmare

by Lindy
(Norfolk, UK)

Help! I left a ceramic coated frying pan on my gas stove with several sprays of Fry Lite (grapeseed oil based) and forgot it until it was burning.

Is there any way I can clean it without scouring which is not advised on ceramic?

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Feb 16, 2017
Baking Soda, Boiling Water, Wooden Spoon Solution
by: Tara

You're in luck - thanks to the pan's ceramic coating, it's a snap to remove: simply fill with water nearly to the brim, and bring it to a boil. Add 2 tablespoons baking soda and gently pry the burned-on residue with a wood spoon (don’t use any utensil that could scratch the coating). This works on just about any burnt-on ceramic stain.

Rinse and dry – and you’re good to go! (Back into cooking with a fresh-looking frying pan, that is.)

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