Pet Chores For Kids By Age

Pet chores for kids by age. When it comes to pet chores, at what age can a child be realistically expected to clean the cat litter box and help with other pet care essentials? Wash the dog? Help give pets vitamins or medications from the vet?

Below are examples of pet chores that kids can generally do by certain ages. Your child may be capable of doing a pet care chore sooner or later, depending on his or her level of concentration, fine-motor skills, or maturity.

Pet Chores for Kids Age 2 and Under:

  • Pick up the pet's toys.
  • Play (supervised) with pets.

Pet Chores For Kids Age 3 to 5:

  • Previous chores, plus:
  • Put pet toys in the proper boxes or bins.

Pet Chores For Kids Age 6 to 9:

  • Previous chores, plus:
  • Put out the animal's food.
  • Exercise the pet.
  • Wipe up spills and kibble from the floor.
  • Clean pet food bowls.
  • Help clean the pet cage and litter box.

Pet Chores For Kids Age 10 to 13:

  • Previous chores, plus:
  • Clean fish/reptile aquarium.
  • Help give medications or vitamins from the vet.

Pet Chores For Kids Age 14 to 17:

  • Previous chores, plus:
  • Scoop and clean out the litter box.
  • Deal with pet waste, such as picking up the dog's poop (in dog waste bags, of course).
  • Walk the dog.
  • Wash the dog and/or cat.

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