Using a wine rack to hold your towels

by Mathew Henery
(Rochester, NY, USA)

This tip came handy in my bathroom!

After looking at generic towel holders at the local hardware store, we decided nothing fit our style.

We then walked by a wine rack a light bulb went off in my head. I knew that would be perfect and different. It had the rustic look of our bathroom, and it actually is better than your average towel holder!

Since the one we purchased held 8 bottles of wine, it ended up holding 8 different towels of various sizes, after they were rolled up. This help organize whose towels were for which one of us, and saved a lot of space in a bathroom. The towels can even be hung afterwards on a rung to let dry. I found this to be a much better way to keep multiple towels within distance of the shower, so you rarely ever have to worry about being a dry towel in arm's reach of the shower.

Installation is by the book of the instruction manual with the wine rack, no real tweaks are needed. Just install, and enjoy some more space and a stylish look!

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Jan 04, 2015
Wine rack as a towel holder
by: Tara,

Very creative, Matthew! Thanks for sharing a great tip.

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