Cleaning Up After Pets

Puppy asleep on paper towel roll next to bucket.

As a pet parent, you know that accidents and messes are part of the package. Cleaning up after pets is a responsibility we all share. Our job is to quickly clean up the messes to keep our homes looking (and smelling) nice.

These practical tips for removing pet hair, carpet stains, and odors, as well as cleaning the litter box, are designed to streamline the process of cleaning up after pets.

By following these tips, you can ensure a quicker and more thorough clean-up.

Cleaning Up After Pets on Furniture and Upholstery

Got pets? Get attached to your vacuum's attachments. If dogs or cats are part of your family, regular (at least weekly) vacuuming of the ubiquitous hair on sofas, pillows, and beds is a must.

Use attachments to get deep into the couch corners where the cat and dog fur collects.

In addition to vacuuming, another quick method for getting cat fur off furniture is to dampen your hand - or a sponge - and run it gently along the upholstery surface. The fur sticks to your hand or the sponge, and you can quickly rinse it off. 

A larger version of a lint roller designed for pet hair removal is another easy way.

Cleaning Up After Pets on Carpet

You mustn't endure the intense reminders if your cat misses the litter box. Pet accidents on carpet and upholstery can be removed, primarily if you attack them while they're still fresh:

Cleaning Up After Pets - Pet Piddle

Start by soaking up excess liquid with a white rag or paper towel. Blot on a one-quarter teaspoon of mild liquid laundry detergent solution and one cup of warm water. Repeat until no more stain transfers to your towel or rag.

Next, blot with two tablespoons of ammonia and one cup of water. Rinse with warm water. Repeat and blot dry.

Then, blot the area with one cup of white vinegar and two cups of water. Rinse again.

Finally, cover the area with several layers of paper towels weighed down with a heavy object. Continue changing the paper towels until the carpet is dry.

Pet Poop

Wearing gloves, gently scoop up the excess pet poop with a spoon or spatula. Deposit it into a bag you can immediately take outside. Blot it with the ammonia solution above.

Allow to soak in for several minutes. Blot and repeat until the stain is removed. Rinse with cold water. Blot dry.

To remove lingering carpet odors, sprinkle baking soda on the spot. Let it sit overnight, then vacuum. 

Warning: There is a chance some stains just won't come out. And be careful not to use too much water on the spot. If the urine gets into the pad underneath the carpet, you'll never get it out.

The carpet will look clean, but the urine will wick back up from the pad. If this happens, patch the carpet (as well as the pad).

However, if you can't remove either stain, consider recovering the furniture item or replacing the carpet. This might also be a great time to consider the benefits of a good dog trainer.

Cleaning Up After Pets: the Litter Box


  • Litter
  • Box
  • Liner (great way to make weekly cleanings easier)
  • Scooper
  • Gloves
  • Bags

Daily: Scoop lumps out of your litter box as many times a day as you have cats.

For example, we have two cats, so my daughter scoops once in the morning and once before bed. Wearing gloves and disposing of the scoopables in a bag outside.

Weekly: Take the litter box outside—empty contents in the garbage. Using a scraper, dislodge any lumps of wet litter remaining. (This is where it benefits from having a litter liner - no lingering pieces clinging to the surface of the litter box to scrape away.)

Fill with hot water; add a half-cup of bleach. Allow to sit and disinfect for at least 10 minutes. Rinse thoroughly. Dry with rags or allow to air dry. Add fresh litter.

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