Exotic Pets For Kids:
Yes Or No?

Exotic pets such as chinchillas, spider monkeys, and ferrets require more attention, more expensive cages or habitats, and specialized vet care. And try to find a sitter for one of these exotic animals when you go on vacation. 

Exotic pets for kids are only sometimes a safe, solid choice. Often, they see children as something below them in the pecking order. This is not good. 

If you would like an exotic pet, that's one thing. But don't get one just for the kid. 

Figure on spending upwards of an hour each day on care and feeding for exotic pets for kids- not a realistic possibility for most little ones.

Exotic pets for kids are defined as animals native to a foreign country or of foreign origin or character, not native to the United States or were introduced abroad. 

Some of the most popular exotic pets for kids today include:

  • Armadillos
  • Chimpanzees
  • Garter snakes
  • Reptiles such as iguanas
  • Rare birds such as emus, ostriches, owls, eagles, and hawks
  • Ferrets
  • Felines such as lions, tigers, cheetahs, bobcats, and ocelots
  • Rodents including chinchillas, acacia rats, African pygmy mice
  • Parrots such as African grey parrot, cockatiels

Some of these exotic animals are known to carry or contract diseases that can affect their owners, such as salmonellosis and rabies. Learn how to prevent such zoonotic diseases here.

Most major veterinary medical associations discourage the private ownership of exotic animals because providing the proper environmental conditions, housing, and diet for an exotic animal can be difficult and expensive.

And, unlike commonly domesticated pets, exotic animals retain their wild nature.

Even if they are bred as pets and raised by humans, they can be unpredictable, relatively resistant to training, and, in some cases—especially as full-grown adults—dangerous.

Exotic Birds

Parrots and cockatoos make cool conversation pieces. They are fun, comical, and easy to train to do tricks. They are very social birds that bond readily with people.

But they are also loud—in fact, they screech. They are messy and destructive. If you ignore or neglect them, they become self-destructive and pick out their feathers.

And they live 70 to 80 years. Just think of signing on for a two-year-old who will never grow up. Ever.

If you're considering any of the above wild animals as pets, you'll have to search another Web site. You're braver than me.

Next steps? Consider getting the kids an easy pet they can care for themselves with little or no assistance.

Be sure to consider these Pet Pros and Cons before you bring a pet home to ensure your home and your family's lifestyle are compatible with whichever pet you choose. You'll be glad you did.

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