Easy 7 Step Bathroom Cleaning

Bathroom cleaners and tools in blue bucket.

An easy 7 step bathroom cleaning method to help get the dirty jobs done right - and fast.

Cleaning challenges can get tricky in bathrooms. With so many different surfaces—chrome, brass, glass, porcelain, and fiberglass—it's difficult to know where to begin or what to use.

You don't need to buy baskets full of specialty cleaners to keep everything looking good. Four basic products can do the dirty jobs.

With this 7 step bathroom cleaning routine, you'll swiftly navigate through the process, leaving your bathroom gleaming in a fraction of the time it usually takes. 

Essential 7 Step Bathroom Cleaning Products and Tools

With just four bathroom cleaning products, you can get the 7 step bathroom cleaning job done - stat.

These include an all-purpose cleaner, a tub, tile, and sink cleaner, a toilet bowl cleaner, and a glass cleaner.


You'll also need the right tools for the jobs ahead: a long-handled toilet brush, a scrubber sponge, a dust cloth, and paper towels.

You can save time by spraying cleaners on areas that will benefit from some extra soaking time—such as the toilet and tub or the shower—and tackling other surfaces while the cleaners work.

The simple 7 step bathroom cleaning method that follows will have you in and out in minutes rather than hours.

The key is that instead of endless time spent scrubbing, you let the cleaners penetrate the grime so that all you have to do on most surfaces is wipe clean. 

Begin where the bulk of bathroom germs lurk - the toilet bowl - and surface-clean your way around the room.

1.  Sanitize the Bowl

Sanitize the bowl. Squeeze some toilet bowl cleaner around the inside of the bowl and under the rim.

Use a long-handled toilet brush to swish the cleaner around the bowl, under the rim, and as far into the trap as possible.


Let the solution stand for a few minutes as you clean the seat, lid, and outside the toilet bowl with an all-purpose cleaner and a sponge, cloth, or paper towel.

Using paper towels is the simplest method —no rinsing is needed, and there's no chance of spreading germs, as you toss the towels immediately after use.

2.  Tame Soap Scum

Soap scum buildup makes for unsightly baths. Spray the shower or tub and sink with a tub, tile, and sink cleaner. Let it sit while you complete the remaining steps.

3.  Wipe the Deck

Clear the bathroom countertop of personal items and spray the surface with an all-purpose cleaner. Wipe clean with a sponge or paper towels. Replace your toiletries.

4.  Shine It

Spray glass cleaner on a cloth and wash the mirror's surface. Squeegee dry. Use glass cleaner to make the faucet sparkle, too.

5.  Dust and Smudge Duty

Clear shelves and dust; spot-clean wall smudges with an all-purpose cleaner and sponge. Give full attention to areas around light switches and doorknobs.

6.  Surface Scrubbing

Woman in gloves cleaning bathtub.

Use a scrubber sponge to loosen and remove soap scum and buildup on the tub or shower. Rinse clean, thus completing step two.

To make your job easier in the future, keep a squeegee in the shower or a sponge in the tub for quick wipe-downs of the shower walls and door or the sides of the tub to help prevent soap-scum buildup.

To keep mildew in check, open the shower door or curtain afterward to let it air-dry. If mildew already has a toehold, scrub the surface with 3/4 cup (180ml) of bleach in one gallon (4L) of water; rinse clean.

7.  Vacuum or Sweep the Floor on Your Way Out 

Vacuum or sweep, then mop the floor clean. Empty the trash can and take the bag with you as you go.
Finally, remember that this room needs to be hygienic, because of and in spite of kids. So, let the little dirt devils help with these bathroom chores for kids by age.

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