Garage Storage No Nos:
What Not To Store Here

The garage is very enticing for storage. But certain things don't belong there. 

Here are three garage storage no nos to be aware of if you want to keep your items in storage safe, and pest-free.

1   Garage Storage No-Nos: Clothes and Bedding

Clothing and bedding are garage storage no nos. Rats would just love to nest in your expensive duvet. Let them find a B&B farther down the block. Also, garages are usually too damp for storing clothing; they will mildew.

2   Fresh Foods

In theory, a nice cool garage would be a great place to keep extra potatoes, carrots, onions, etc. Ants, mice, and rats think so, too.

3   Wine

No wine storage in the garage. Since garages are not insulated, the temperature fluctuates too much to make it a good spot to keep the fruits of the vine.

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