How To Clean Silverware 

woman polishing silverware.

How to clean silverware? Toothpaste is one of the best and least expensive ways to clean silverware of that annoying tarnish that builds up over time. 

Silverware - whether sterling or sterling plate - generally responds the same way to a variety of tarnish removers, toothpaste included (namely, the tarnish is successfully removed).

The only caveat to be aware of when using toothpaste is to be sure the paste is white and is free of whitening additives or baking soda. Here's how to clean silverware with toothpaste.

How to Clean Silverware in 3 Easy Steps

1.  Place a Cotton Sock on Your Hand

To begin, place a cotton sock on your polishing hand. Dampen the sock under cool running water. Squeeze out any excess water with your other hand.

2.   Apply Toothpaste to the Sock and Clean

Squeeze a pearl-size drop of toothpaste onto the dampened sock at your fingertips. Using up-and-down (not circular) strokes, rub the toothpaste onto the front and back of silverware.

To get the toothpaste between silverware tines and other tight spaces and grooves, pull the sock away from your fingers at the tips and twist tightly.

3.   Rinse Toothpaste 

Rinse the toothpaste from your silverware under fresh running water. Remove the sock from your hand and set aside; grab and don its mate, and polish the silverware dry. 

Prevent Future Tarnish

  • Store silverware behind glass, in an airtight plastic bag, or a chest lined with tarnish-resistant flannel. 
  • Resist the urge to bundle your silver in rubber bands: the rubber can cause discoloration on silverware.
  • Avoid serving sulfur-containing foods such as mayonnaise and eggs from your silver platter - it's a recipe for instant tarnish. 
  • Avoid using rubber or latex gloves when cleaning silverware - both are corrosive to silver.

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